Use Cases

CodeX provides a framework for community-driven use case development and demonstration, piloted in-the-field by the stakeholders expected to benefit in the future.
Each CodeX Use Case progresses through three stages of development.
In Execution
Enable reporting of mCODE-based cancer data from cancer center health center EHRs to state and private registries that are aggregating data for different reasons, substantially reducing duplication and burden while increasing reporting speed and accuracy.
Collect research-quality mCODE-based data from EHRs to increase the value of real-world data for clinical trials, and reduce and potentially eliminate manual and/or duplicate data entry into case report forms.
Leverage mCODE-based data standards and open APIs that enable interoperable, scalable, and accessible clinical trial matching services to improve the ability of patients to find clinical trials for which they may be eligible.
Facilitate sharing of mCODE-based clinical data between providers and payers to reduce burden and speed authorization or requests for more information.
Leverage mCODE and extensions to enable sharing of critical radiation therapy treatment data for care coordination or data reuse (research, quality measurement, payer-required reporting).
Design and build an integrated standard that enables interoperable, scalable, and accessible genomics data that can easily be shared among laboratories, EHR Systems, and/or genomics repositories.
Design and build an integrated standard that enables interoperable, scalable, and accessible hypertension management, both at home and in the clinic, so that blood pressure data can easily be shared among home blood pressure measurement devices, patient data managers, and health systems.
In Planning
Create integrated, automated, efficient, and effective REMS programs by leveraging open data standards. Create the data infrastructure to enable REMS integration into the current workflow and data sharing across REMS stakeholders, reducing undue burden.
Enable access to complex genomic data through APIs so that developers can more easily develop and populate data for a range of genomic applications.
Create a solution that demonstrates the ability to author and evaluate digital quality measures using the FHIR data model and mCODE, where applicable, for value-based programs and clinical quality improvement in the oncology domain.
In Discovery